Photo and Video Usage Policy Document

Hiking in London Club


This document establishes the usage policies applicable to all photos and videos captured during events organized by the Hiking in London Club. Its aim is to ensure that all participants understand how they can share and use these images, respecting the privacy of individuals and the non-commercial nature of our club.


This policy applies to all members and participants of the Hiking in London Club events, including but not limited to hikes, social gatherings, and any other activities organized under the auspices of the club.

Usage Policies

  • Personal Use: Photos and videos taken during events are exclusively for personal use. This includes sharing with friends and family, as well as on personal social media, as long as no commercial benefit is pursued.
  • Commercial Use Prohibited: The use of any photo or video for commercial or professional purposes without prior written consent from the Hiking in London Club is strictly prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to, the sale of photos or videos, their use in advertising, or the creation of content for media platforms where revenues are obtained.
  • Respect for Privacy: When posting photos or videos, special care must be taken not to infringe on other participants' privacy. Explicit consent should be requested from individuals prominently appearing in your photos or videos before sharing them.
  • Photographic Credits: When sharing any photo or video, it is recommended to give credit to the photographer or videographer, as well as mention the Hiking in London Club, when relevant.
  • Removal Request: If any person appears in a shared photo or video and wishes it to be removed from any platform, they must request it directly from the author of the publication or the Hiking in London Club for mediation.
  • Club's Use of Images: The Hiking in London Club reserves the right to use photos and videos captured during events on its official communication channels, including the website, social media, and promotional material, for documentation and promotion of future activities.

Consequences of Non-Compliance

Non-compliance with these policies may result in the request for material removal and, depending on the severity of the case, exclusion from future events organized by the club.


For questions, requests for permission for commercial or professional use of images, or to report a breach of these policies, please contact:

J Thomas Salas
Phone for WhatsApp messaging: +44 7400 796815